Thursday, August 25, 2005


OMG, im going through pre-licensing classes to sell insurance for the company im now with. It is MANDATORY I guess for this guy to stand in front of us for 4 days reading directly from a book...ive never been so bored in my life. No participation, no ANYTHING. Im going stir crazy......

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Wow, I got ALOT done today! With school and work and EVERYTHING else, I dont feel I have alot of time for myself. Today I took the day to clean, I bought AND put together a new desk, I threw away all of my junk I havent used in a million and two years (BIG for me, I dont throw stuff away often), did my homework, and its not even noon :) This makes me VERY happy, this means the rest of my day for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to do NOTHING! Rock on :)

One month till A comes. I really hope he comes. If something happens this time to prevent it from happening I really am going to think this isnt meant to be. And I think that will crush me. I think it would be a big blow I dont know if I could get past. Everything happens for a reason, and him coming here is a big deal for me, if it doesnt happen, well, then I really am going to think its just not MEANT to happen. I know I will, I know myself well. And I think that would hurt us alot. I hope that isnt the case, I guess I will find out soon enough.

Re-decorated my bathroom in a really deep red and then white polka dots, love it. Still have a little lime in for accents and a teeny bit of orange, but mainly red and white. It looks more crisp and clean that way, as a bathroom should.

My new desk is alot bigger and has a built in bookcase for my school stuff, needed that.

Hmmm...nothing else new. Cant wait for this training at work to be done so im back to normal and on my pc at work so I can get back to blogging, lol. Sad huh?

Happy Sunday :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Early Mornin

I love getting up and watching the sun come up, I never used to be able to do this, and being able to now, without wanting to lay in bed all day, is awesome. Is this a sign im getting old? Shouldnt it be the other way around, shouldnt it have been easier for me to get going when I was younger? I dont know, but I love my mornings. They are by far my favorite time of the day. Just out of the shower, sitting with my kitty and a big cup of coffee letting my hair dry, half watching the news as im half staring out the patio doors as the sun comes up. The only thing im missing is the someone sitting with me, on the other end of the couch, or right next to me, fingers entwined, maybe head on my lap reading the paper as I drink my coffee and watch the sun come up. I love my mornings so much. I wonder if this is something I would want to keep just for me. Letting him sleep in, getting up with my coffee, maybe sitting with a blanket out on the balcony watching the sun, the sky, the city around me wake up. I think so. I think this is mine and mine alone.

" know that your my best know I'd do anything for you.." Sarah McLachlan

Sunday, August 07, 2005


"...oh life it seems a struggle between what we say and what we do...Im not going to change my ways just to please you...or apease you...."

Favorite line in any song ever.

School starts in one week, the same week I start training for my new job at work. Which is DETAILED training, I have to get licensed to sell health insurance. Yay. So I am going to be crazy and once again have no life.

On the plus side. A is coming soon :) Things have worked themselves out and I stopped being an idiot. Im excited for the new chapter to start. Ive learned alot I think.

off I go to enjoy a lazy of the last im sure.