Thursday, February 09, 2006


Ughh. So stressfull at work lately. Trying to keep my job after a big merger with another huge company. Today we have meetings all day with the other company "best face forward" type of thing. I swear I get home and Im exhausted just from smiling all day!

Im starting to realize what a small town I live in. Ive lived all over the world, so things here have always seemed a little small town, but you would think as time goes by, some things would change. Im watching the news and they are talking about a local high school where some kid was expelled for a racially motivated fight. The kid has been dealing with racial slurs from students for a few years, had enough and popped some kid in the face. Before this, mind you, he reported it to the school and nothing was ever done. So now he has been expelled. Its the "big news" now because the family is fighting it, obviously. (ok, the fact that this is the big news story of the day tells you a little bit of how small this town REALLY is)

I have a friend in the Army that I havent heard from in awhile. Makes me nervous. I hope everything is ok with him, not sure if he was deployed to Iraq or is just busy. I hope I hear from him soon.

Lots of babble today in my post, im a little scatter brained, too much school and work stress lately! Hopefully tomorrow I will be more level.


Blogger Brother Kojak said...

You ARE a bit scarce lately, in more ways than one. Hope to see you back blogging.

1:08 PM  

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