Wednesday, October 12, 2005

After Birthday Bash

So Friday im having an After Birthday Bash, all of my closest friends are coming over to celebrate with me. I havent gotten drunk in about two months, should be interesting, im not planning on leaving my house, so I AM planning on drinking! Maybe Ill take some That Girl queues and do some drunk blogging! Or maybe have the whole party blog that night on here, we shall see!

Its been a strange week, I have been sick and just blahish, I hate that. I went to bed last night and for the first time in awhile thought about Led. I missed him last night alot, just had it in my head I wanted to call and talk to him, about something stupid, or to have him come over and watch a dumb movie with me. Then I thought about the fact that I can never do that again. I havent really thought about it in so long. Ive had so much help getting over it. But now Im thinking did I get over it or am I starting to forget him. I dont want to forget him. So, tonight Im going to go through some past letters and things and remember for awhile, even if it makes me sad, I want to remember for a bit. This time of year is always hard, my birthday and his were a month apart and we would celebrate the whole month. One year I remember he didnt realize it was my birthday, stopped at a gas station and bought about 20 of those single wrapped red roses for me. I know that sounds dumb, but thats one of those things you just remember.

You would have been 31 next month :) Ill light a candle for you and wish you a happy birthday.


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